January 2025 General Meeting

21 January, 2025

The video of January’s General Meeting can be viewed at this link:


The slides for the meeting can be found here: Slides

This month’s meeting began with a visit from Lucy Caldwell who gave as an overview the National Party’s plan to integrate & support the state chapters this year.

After that we discussed the various democracy reform groups in Pennsylvania & part of the Pro-Democracy Collaborative & the need of our members to attend & participate in their events as well as our own.

From there we talked about our priorities as a state party. You can read more about our priorities here: https://www.paforwardparty.com/priorities

We then turned to running for office with a spotlight on Judge of Elections. The Pennsylvania Forward Party is very interested in these races as they are the front line in defending our democracy.

As important as Judge of Elections is, there are other municipal races that we want to encourage our members to run or recruit for. We talk about the various resources we can direct our candidates to (Country First Academy & The Good Party) as well as the guidance & resources the Forward Party can provide ourselves.

We also highlighted that in many regards running as a third party candidate is easier to get on the ballot than it is with a major party:

  • Major Parties only have 3 weeks collect their signatures (February 18 to March 11)
    • All of their circulators must be a member of the party
    • All of their signatures must also be a member of the party
  • 3rd parties have from March 12 until August 1st to collect their signatures
    • Circulators can be from any party & even out of state
    • Signatures must only be members of the district they are running for.


Our first Candidate Committee meeting of the year will also be held on Wednesday January 29, 2025 at 8:00 PM. You can join with this link: https://us06web.zoom.us/j/82977230429

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