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  • published Forwardists make the Ballot! in Recent Updates 2024-08-09 13:22:51 -0400

    Forwardists make the Ballot!

    Pennsylvania Forward Party Candidates Make the Ballot

    This year, every Pennsylvania voter will see two candidates on their ballot from the PA Forward Party and we could not be more excited for those candidates to be Eric Settle and Chris Foster.  Please read their statements about what being on the ballot means to them!

    Eric Settle for Attorney General

    Chris Foster for Treasurer

    Last December when I was asked to run for Attorney General by the Forward Party, I could not have imagined how much fun and interesting the next 8 months would be.  It has been great to meet so many of you who started and supported this party to try to find a way to create a new political movement that looks at both major parties and says: There has to be a better way to solve our problems. I've also been amazed to meet registered voters (over 4,000 of them) who wanted to support our effort to get Chris Foster and I on the ballot in November by signing our nomination petitions.  And I'm excited to say, that effort was a success!   Thanks to everyone who helped us get there.  Especially the crew from Rittenhouse Square led by Nancy Hanks, our Forward Northeast Chair Jeff Grisewood and Party Secretary and Petition Czar Ben Valimont for organizing all of us.
    But this was just the first step and I'm hoping that Chris and I can count on all of you as we move towards November to achieve our next goal--2% of the vote and minor party recognition.   So, what's next: We need to meet more voters to tell them about the Forward Party and its candidates-if you are willing to host an event where your friends and neighbors can meet us, let us know and we will try to get there.  Also watch your social media for Forward party canvassing opportunities to meet more voters in your neighborhood and to encourage voting by mail. Finally, we will need as many volunteers as possible on Election Day to go to their polling place to remind you neighbors to support us. Election Day 2024 is going to be exciting, and all of us can play an important role that day. Even if you can only work for a few hours that day, it matters.  Remember when your goal is 2%, every vote counts and unlike the Presidential race, most voters will not have made up their mind about who they are voting for AG or Treasurer when they reach the polling place.
    Thanks again for helping Pennsylvania move Forward! 
    As we reflect on the incredible journey PA Forward has embarked upon since March, we are filled with immense gratitude for each and every one of you who helped us launch our first statewide candidates and secure our place on the ballot. Eric Settle, who is running for Attorney General, and I, Chris Foster, your candidate for State Treasurer, could not have come this far without your unwavering support and dedication.

    The process of collecting over 4,000 signatures was no small feat. It was a challenging and, at times, stressful task. Walking door to door, standing outside local businesses, and engaging with the public—asking them to sign in support of our campaign—required a great deal of perseverance. There were moments when the weight of the responsibility felt heavy, but it was in those moments that we were reminded of why we do this work.

    Every time someone took the pen and added their name to our petition, we saw a glimpse of the power of democracy in action. It was incredibly rewarding to witness how our message resonated with so many across Pennsylvania. Despite the frustration many feel with the current political landscape, our commitment to civility in political discourse and our avoidance of entrenched partisan ideas have been a breath of fresh air for the public. People were inspired not just by our words but by the vision of a better future that PA Forward represents. Your belief in us and the cause we champion is what fueled our determination to keep pushing forward.

    But our work doesn’t stop here. The signatures we gathered are just the beginning. Now, more than ever, we need to amplify our message and reach even more Pennsylvanians. We urge you to continue spreading the word about our campaign, sharing our vision with your friends, family, and community. Together, we can ensure that our voices are heard and that PA Forward continues to be a force for positive change.

    Thank you for your unwavering support. Let’s keep moving forward—together.

  • wants to volunteer 2024-04-04 13:41:03 -0400

    Become a volunteer

    Join the team to help save democracy and fix our broken government.


    The work of building a new State political party from is no easy task, but we're blessed with a community of talented, thoughtful, intelligent and humble activists, organizers and leaders. If you'd like to help grow this movement and build a thriving, community-driven coalition in Pennsylvania, we'd love to have you. Join the Forward Party to fix our broken democracy and build a better future. Join the team below and you'll receive more information on how to get involved.

    Help get Forward Candidates on the ballot!


    To be recognized as a State Party in Pennsylvania the law requires us to run a Statewide Candidate every other year. Win or lose these candidates must receive a minimum number of votes for us to earn recognition. The first step is getting on the ballot and we need your help to get there! Our goal is 5000. Collections are between Primary Day and July 31. There are three things you can do today to join the effort: Organize Volunteers, Collect Signatures and Host events

    Become a volunteer